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This Tuesday news thread is a weekly feature here at Big Picture Agriculture.
- Find out how the nonprofit, Mighty Earth, used wrong statistics to conclude that meat and Tyson are the main culprits causing the Gulf dead zone. | Big Picture Agriculture Comment: In case you missed my post from yesterday... Was I the only one to notice the glaring statistical error they used in the report to reach their conclusion?
- Who really owns American farmland? | New Food Economy Comment: Important, excellent report.
- The Last Death-Defying Honey Hunter of Nepal - One man from the Kulung culture harvests psychotropic honey that is guarded by capricious spirits and the world’s largest honeybees. | National Geographic
- Chemicals Used on Almond Trees Linked to Bee Deaths | Got Science
- Battle lines are widening as the prospective paths narrow for a proposed high-powered transmission line through southwestern Wisconsin. | Wisconsin State Journal
- Telephony Elegy for Rural America - AT&T, Verizon looking to change rules for copper infrastructure retirement. | No Jitter
- Greece seizes more than 700kg of illegal pesticides from Turkey | EurActiv
- Small towns fight to save grocery stores — and their vitality | Kansas City Star Comment: A good, relevant piece. Online sales and deliveries will probably play an ever larger role.
- The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities | St Louis Federal Reserve Publication
- Want to Buy a Farm? Here’s Where Prices Are Rising and Falling | Bloomberg
- USDA farmland values show Iowa up 1.9 percent, Illinois down | WQAD
- Maine’s farm real estate is least expensive in the East, but the price per acre is up by over 5% from 2016. | Press Herald
- Corn Is Piling Up on Brazil's Farms. Silos are full and corn is being stored in bags. | Bloomberg
- Ethanol leaders would like to see more corn burned to solve overproduction | Agriculture.com Comment: Kudos for their good headline.
- Colorado Divide: Seismic shifts create rural-urban chasm in the culture, economy and politics of the state - Demographics, migration signal widening differences between two Colorados | Denver Post
- Colorado Divide in photos: Rural Colorado is no monolith, no uniform land with identical problems or hopes for the future. | Denver Post
- Driven mainly by higher cereal, sugar and dairy quotations, global food prices rose for the third consecutive month in July, according to the United Nations agriculture agency. | FAO
- The keynote address given by the Prince of Wales at Harmony in Food and Farming conference (transcript and video) | Sustainable Food Trust
- As foodies seek local, Midwest farmers go global | Minnesota Public Radio
- Online farmers markets: a new trend in local foods | Farm and Dairy
- The Concord food co-op introduces online shopping | The Concord Insider
- Soil Science for a Hungry Planet | Project Syndicate
- UW Madison's Lancaster Ag Research Station celebrates half-century study of crop rotation | Hay & Forage
- With state funding cut, what's next for ISU's Leopold Center? | Iowa City Press-Citizen
- The Oregon Department of Agriculture says the state's nursery industry was the top commodity in 2016. | AP
- Planted acres of peanuts keeps heading up (with graph) | USDA
- Wholesale turkey prices in 2017 remain below years past (with graph) | USDA
- Drought spreads and intensifies across US Northern Plains | AP
- Democrats look to fit electric car credits into EPA's ethanol mandate | Washington Examiner
- Pigs and cows in Germany may be feasting more on wheat this year as heavy rains threaten the harvest for the European Union’s second-biggest producer. | Bloomberg
- Dutch and Germans ‘massively’ get rid of contaminated eggs | Euractiv
- 'Expect record phosphate, potash shipments in 2018', says Mosaic | Agrimoney
- This year’s Gulf of Mexico “dead zone” is the largest measured since dead zone mapping began there in 1985. | NOAA
- Japanese Beetles damaging crops in central and western Illinois | Illinois News Network
- Virgin prairie in a rural Illinois cemetery | Chicago Tribune Note: This is a great subject for those of us interested in preserving native prairies in the Midwest. My own experience with them is discouraging. I've watched prairie cemeteries from rural Nebraska "cared for" by 4-H groups and well-meaning locals came in to mow and spray until they resembled sterile in town lawn covered cemeteries. They didn't know what they had.
- Mexico considers importing avocados as staple priced out of consumers' reach | The Guardian
- Grocery stores could save dying suburban shopping malls | Business Insider
- Growing blueberries in a container | TribLive
- This hand powered machine plants perfect lines of seeds with minimal effort | Tech Insider
- You Think Bacon Prices Are High Now? Just Wait | Agweb
- Katrina Blair’s War for Weeds - One Durango woman’s mission to protect—and eat—wild weeds. | 5280 Comment: A good read.
- Nebraska researcher using sorghum for textile dye | KTIC
- The annual Grain Gathering event and building a better bread | Wired
- Using wine bottle corks as mulch in your garden pots | Jeffco Gardener
- 11 foods that lower cholesterol (plus which ones to avoid) | Harvard Health
- With twice as many antioxidants as blueberries, double the potassium of bananas, and four times the vitamin C of oranges, currants are a mighty but relatively unknown fruit. | Adirondack Daily Enterprise
- South Korean women will soon outlive us all. What's their secret? | World Economic Forum
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