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Pomegranate, by Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, c1575. |
This Tuesday news thread is a weekly feature here at Big Picture Agriculture.
- In 'This Blessed Earth,' The Outdated Romance Of The Family Farm | NPR
- Bananas, coffee, pineapple, lotus, stinging nettles and hemp - what sounds like the ingredients on an exotic shopping list are actually all natural resources that can be turned into sustainable textiles. | Fashion United
- Katie Couric finds a town rowing together | by Art Cullen Storm Lake Times Comment: Another from my favorite commentator about small town Iowa conditions. He's a rare modern day journalist who is a straight-shooter for the most part, not driven by culturally accepted norms, like the rest of 'em.
- Iowa has world's largest cereal plant, but state's farmers lack market for oats | DesMoines Register Quote: "Canfield said more farmers might be willing to break the steady corn-and-soybean cycle if markets for alternative crops were available."
- September Rural Mainstreet Index Reaches 2017 Low: More than Half of Bankers Restructured Farm Loans | Creighton.edu
- U.S. ending stocks data and how large the 2016/2017 ending stocks are. | Agricultural Economic Insights
- Farmers likely to plant more corn in 2018 | Successful Farming
- Declines in pollinator forage suitability concentrated in the Midwest (with map) | USDA Note: This is important ecologically and leads into the next story...
- Low Commodity prices spur senate interest in idling cropland | Successful Farming Comment: We can hope - this really is the most logical response to today's heartland growing conditions.
- Michigan bursts at seams with corn, soybeans | The Detroit News
- In a World Flooded by Wheat, Cutting a Crop by Half Isn't Enough | Bloomberg Quote: "The world is so overflooded with wheat supplies that even slashing the durum crop in Canada, the world’s top grower, by almost half isn’t enough to rescue prices."
- Smallest Wheat Harvest Acreage in 127 Years | USAgnet
- Surplus cotton supply may offer Indian spinners respite | Fibre2Fashion
- Pork Prices Plunge as record number of hogs are slaughtered - Americans aren’t eating enough pork to keep up with the amount being produced by new meatpacking plants | WSJ
- Ban of Herbicide Could Benefit Agriculture Prices - Soybeans and cotton would be big winners if dicamba is deemed harmful to crops. | Bloomberg
- Are we at a tipping point with weed control? | Successful Farming
- Research explores lavender as natural pesticide source | HortiDaily
- Ireland Tops U.S. as the Country Best Able to Feed Its People | Bloomberg
- Tiny Denmark is an agricultural superpower | The Economist
- The Plan to Feed All Russians Hinges On Homemade Seeds | Bloomberg
- Rabobank warns on EU sugar prices, as it lifts forecast for world supplies | Agrimoney
- International Soy Buyers Examine Sustainability Practices | Landcaster Farming
- ADM invests in non-GMO high-protein soybean meal | World-Grain
- Eight Nebraska co-ops among nation's largest | Journal Star
- CHS Inc., a farmer-owned cooperative that supplies energy, crop nutrients, animal feed, insurance and other services to U.S. agricultural producers, is once again the country’s top revenue producing cooperative. | AgriPulse
- Bananapocalypse: The race to save the world’s most popular fruit | Washington Post
- Supermarkets are creating an obesity crisis in African countries | The Guardian
- The immense challenge of desertification in sub-Saharan Africa | Phys.org
- Biofuels and Biofools - European politicians are enthralled to the biofuels lobby - they are living a fantasy and it’s time to wake up to the reality of an industry driving deforestation, land grabbing and poverty | Global Research
- New efficient catalyst for key step in artificial photosynthesis | Phys.org Note: I've covered this very interesting energy story in the past, here's the most recent time.
- The Intercept goes after Smithfield foods for pig factory farming | The Intercept
- Muscle-packed pigs in Cambodia raise alarms | Inhabitat
- Meat the godfather: The idea for lab-grown meat was born in a prisoner-of-war camp | Quartz
- Japanese ‘mutant’ chickens are laying eggs with cancer-fighting drugs | Inhabitat
- Vertical farming's best kept secret? | HortiDaily
- Ikea has debuted an indoor farm that grows greens 3 times as fast as in a garden | Business Insider
- Move over quinoa, fonio is the new ancient grain in town, says Yolélé | Food Navigator
- FoodNavigator-USA’s special edition on protein | Food Politics
- Nutrition and Food Systems | Food Politics
- The state of obesity, U.S. 2017 | Food Politics
- 40% of Cancers Are Linked to Being Overweight | TIME
- Belgium’s new food pyramid | Food Politics
- Giant Straw Animals Invade Japanese Fields After Rice Harvest | Bored Panda
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