Sculptures decorated with oranges and lemons are pictured in Menton on the French Riviera on February 11, 2016, ahead of the start of the 'Fete du Citron' (Lemon Festival). The theme of this 83rd edition, running from February 13 until March 2, 2016, is called 'Cinecitta'. Photo credit: AFP / VALERY HACHE / Getty Images.
TV Personalities Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Boothe Celebrate Their 1st Valentine's Day Together With Dunkin' Donuts Heart-Shaped Donuts held at Dunkin Donuts on February 12, 2016 in Encino, California. Photo Credit: Tommaso Boddi / Getty Images.
Melissa Chandler walks with a Scottish Highlander named 'Bleu' with a campaign sticker for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on his its head on February 8, 2016 in Manchester, New Hampshire. Chandler brought farm animals to downtown Manchester to promote New Hampshire agriculture. Photo Credit: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images.
An employee of the factory 'L'Atelier a pates' ('The pasta shop') makes a special pasta with insects flour made with locusts or crickets on February 8, 2016 in Thiefosse, eastern France. The factory created in 2012 produces four different types of pasta all made with spelt flour: locusts, crickets, locusts and crickets, or locust and cep. Photo credit: AFP / JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VERHAEGEN / Getty Images.
Tourists walk pass the Chinese meat buns stall at the Nankinmachi China Town on February 8, 2016 in Kobe, Japan. In Nankinmachi, the district known as Kobe Chinatown, tourists enjoyed Chinese food, lion dance and the parade organized to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Photo credit: Credit: Buddhika Weerasinghe / Getty Images.
A man looking to eat lunch, looks thru the locked front door of the Chipolte Restaurant February 8, 2016, in the Washington, DC, commmunity of Georgetown. Chipotle restaurants across the US are temporarily closing until 3pm EST in an effort to educate 60,000 employees about the food-borne illnesses that have rocked the company in recent months. Food safety protocols will also be explained in the meeting. Photo credit: AFP / PAUL J. RICHARDS / Getty Images.
People pray around a cross-shaped platform covered with candles placed in jars of honey during a ceremony marking the day of Saint Haralampi, the Orthodox patron saint of bee-keepers, at the Church of the Blessed Virgin in Blagoevgrad, eastern Bulgaria, on February 10, 2016. Photo credit: AFP / NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV / Getty Images.
Farmers take part in an anti-government rally in front of the parliament on February 13, 2016 in Athens, Greece. Thousands of farmers from across Greece gather in Athens for a two-day protest against the government and its plans to impose new tax hikes and pension charges. Photo Credit: Milos Bicanski / Getty Images.
BARNAUL, RUSSIA. FEBRUARY 12, 2016. An 8.4 sq. meters map of the Altai Territory. The map was created from 20 kinds of cheese that the region started to make as part of the Import Substitution Program. Photo credit: Oleg Bogdanov /TASS / Getty Images.
Indian farm labourers dry newly-arrived chillies at a farm in Sertha, some 25 km from Ahmedabad, on February 9, 2016. Photo credit: AFP PHOTO / Sam PANTHAKY / Getty Images.
Dairy cows wait to be milked on a rotary parlour, at a farm that is part of the Agrimetrics project, in Arborfield, near Reading, U.K., Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016. Agrimetrics is a joint venture using data from the food supply chain, from farmer to consumer, to work on ways to help farmers respond to consumer demand and reduce costs of transporting and growing food, according to a statement by one of the partners, Reading University. Photo credit: Simon Dawson /Bloomberg via Getty Images.
A five liter bottle of AltoElite fungicide liquid, front, sits next to a five liter bottle of Axial herbicide liquid on a farm in this arranged photograph in Roecliffe, U.K., on Monday, Feb. 8, 2016. Switzerland is welcoming ChemChina's $43 billion takeover of Syngenta SA, the Alpine nation's biggest-ever deal, with open arms. Photo credit: Matthew Lloyd / Bloomberg via Getty Images.
February 08, 2016| Credit: Bloomberg
Flooded vineyards are pictured at a winemaker's in Arveyres, southwestern France, on February 12, 2016 after the river Garonne reached a flood peak over 6,8 meters. Photo credit: AFP / MEHDI FEDOUACH / Getty Images.
A chocolate mock-up of a train drives through a landscape made out of chocolate at the Warsaw Railway Museum on February 9, 2016 in Warsaw. Five hundred kilograms of chocolate were used to make the model. Everything is edible, besides the tracks and the engine. Photo credit: AFP / JANEK SKARZYNSKI / Getty Images.
Schoolchildren take part in a pancake race on February 9, 2016 in Olney, England. On Shrove Tuesday every year the ladies of Olney, Buckinghamshire compete in a Pancake Race, a tradition which dates back to 1445. Children from Olney schools also take part in their own races. Olney competes every year against the women of Liberal, Kansas, USA in a friendly race dating back to 1950. Photo Credit: Carl Court / Getty Images.
Workers move sacks of emergency food supplies in and out of Ethiopia's largest 'strategic grain reserve' depot in Adama, on February 13, 2016. Ethiopia is in the grip of an El Nino drought with 10.2 million people - 10 per cent of the population - needing food aid. Charity Save the Children Ethiopia warns that unless $245 million is pledged by foreign donors before the end of February, Ethiopia will suffer a 'break in the food aid pipeline.' Photo credit: AFP / Colin Cosier / Getty Images.
A Syrian child sits next to chickens being raised for eggs and meat in the northern embattled Syrian city of Aleppo on February 9, 2016. Shop shelves are bare and prices have doubled in Syria's Aleppo as the threat of a blockade looms after advancing regime forces cut off the second city's main supply route last week. Photo Credit: KARAM AL-MASRI / Getty Images.
A Syrian family, who fled bombing in Aleppo, cook food at a tent city close to the Bab al-Salam border crossing on Turkish-Syrian border near Azaz town of Aleppo, Syria on February 10, 2016. Russian airstrikes have recently forced some 40,000 people to flee their homes in Syrias northern city of Aleppo. Photo Credit: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images.
'The Bacon' sandwich with shaved bacon, apple butter, aioli, tomato, pecora fondue jalapeño cheddar toast at the new deli and sandwich shop Il Porcellino Salumi is located at 4324 W. 41st Ave. in Denver's Berkeley neighborhood. There is a crimson lentil salad with caramelized root vegetables at right. It was photographed on Thursday, February 11, 2016. Photo Credit: Cyrus McCrimmon / Getty Images.