Wednesday, September 26, 2018

This Week's Reading

  1. Will organic revolution boost farming in India? | BBC (with lovely video)
  2. Could we save the world if we all went vegan? The amount of farmland needed to sustain human life would shrink by 3.1bn hectares – the size of the African continent | FT
  3. Japan teams with Southeast Asia to protect its prized fruits; Experts will help install law that guards against intellectual property theft | Nikkei Asian Review
  4. Carolina's farms could take billions in losses from Florence | WLOS news
  5. Commodities primarily sourced domestically face the lowest compliance costs for the Produce Rule (chart) | USDA
  6. Struggling U.S. Farmers Worry About a Resurgent Russia; Russian wheat exports are booming despite a crushing price slump, as the country’s farmers finally emerge from decades of neglect | WSJ (paywall)
  7. New-and-improved agri-robot hits the vineyards | New Atlas
  8. North Carolina, recently affected by Hurricane Florence, accounted for an estimated 3 percent ($11 billion) of U.S. farm sector cash receipts in 2017 (chart) | USDA
  9. For farmers, not Farm Bureau | Storm Lake Times by Art Cullen
  10. Swiss voters reject 'fair food' plans | BBC
  11. Fish-Oil Heart Medicine Is Rarest of Drug Breakthroughs; Amarin Corp.’s capsules are relatively cheap, have few side effects, and could help millions. | Bloomberg Opinion
  12. Another Farm Aid In Hartford denounces corporate farming | Courant
  13. On trend: Which food movements are coming to Boulder County, and which aren’t | Boulder Weekly

Note that for your daily up-to-the-minute agriculture news, go to this site's sister webpage, Agriculture News Daily.