Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Agriculture Reading Picks

  1. Why Is America Obsessed with Lawns? by Michael Pollan
  2. ‘Monster’ Turns Our Farmers into Serfs and Sharecroppers; The Grapes of Wrath and its vision of enslavement to big agribusiness isn't just our past—it is our present too. | AmericanConservative
  3. If you want to save the world, veganism isn’t the answer | The Guardian
  4. Harvard’s Foreign Farmland Investment Mess; The university’s holdings in developing markets have proved to be more trouble than they’re worth. | Bloomberg
  5. Fraud in honey content | The Economist
  6. Wisconsin's Floods | Wired
  7. How Brexit could change the face of rural Britain | The Economist
  8. Enormous amounts of food are wasted during manufacturing | The Conversation
  9. Farmers adapt NASA's Mars Rover to Raise Chickens | The Economist
  10. Blue-green algae promises to help boost food crop yields | Science Daily
  11. California’s succulent smugglers: plant poachers seed Asia’s desire for dudleya | SCMP
  12. Comment: I was just hiking on a trail in California and saw a sign at the trailhead that said "Don't steal Succulents".
  13. GMOs Are Not Agriculture's Future--Biotech Is | Scientific American
  14. Geothermal Greenhouses in Pagosa Springs, Colorado | BBC
  15. About a quarter of rural Americans say access to high-speed internet is a major problem | Pew
  16. Wholegrains important for preventing type 2 diabetes | Chalmers Research Denmark
  17. How olive oil and sleep could stave off heart attacks and strokes: New study examines plasma protein’s role | St Michael's Hospital
  18. Why Dr. Oz is Fasting and Using the Clock to Slow Dementia and Fight Disease | Parade

Note that for your daily up-to-the-minute agriculture news, go to this site's sister webpage, Agriculture News Daily.