Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Agricultural Reading this Week

  1. Jury rules Roundup carcinogenic, Monsanto malicious: awards $289 million to plaintiff | Food Politics
  2. Court orders ban of top-selling pesticide, says EPA violated law, ignored scientific studies | Chicago Tribune
  3. Editorial: EPA Says Ethanol Damages The Environment — Isn't It Time To Kill The Program? | Investors Business Daily
  4. Milking cows on an industrial scale arrives in western Minnesota, and some farmers shudder
    Morris-based Riverview is building dairy farms on a scale never seen in the state
    | StarTribune
  5. The Michigan Strategic Fund board has approved incentives to create one of the largest dairy processing facilities in the country right here in Michigan. | Wood TV
  6. Ag Credit Survey with Farmland Value changes | Kansas City Fed
  7. Trade tariffs benefit Archer Daniels Midland, for now | Crain's Chicago Business
  8. Chart: U.S. soybean prices reach a 9-year low | USDA
  9. Saudi Arabian agency stops buying Canadian wheat, barley | Reuters
  10. Giant shipload of soya beans circles off China, victim of trade war with US | The Guardian
  11. Chart: Small farms produce a different mix of commodities than larger farms | USDA
  12. With Palm Oil Expansion, India is Blazing a Trail to a Parched Future. To help the nation minimise its foreign currency expenditure, palm oil is being promoted as the ideal crop – at the cost of our groundwater resources. | The Wire
  13. China is moving ahead with a huge robot farming pilot that could one day put many of the country's 250 million farmers out of work | Business Insider
  14. Rural America faces a crisis in 'adequate housing' | MPR News
  15. SoftBank-Backed Vertical Farm Is Opening Middle Eastern Facility | Bloomberg
  16. The Wonder Plant That Could Slash Fertilizer Use. An indigenous Mexican corn gets its nitrogen from the air. | The Atlantic
  17. ‘One Crop in Seven Years’: Drought Plagues Australia’s Farmers. Lengthy dry spell threatens domestic livelihoods and stands to worsen a global grain shortfall and lower beef prices; hungry kangaroos hit the cities | WSJ (paywall)
  18. Vegetable creations from Japan’s Bon Festival | Twitter

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