Today I am delighted to use an old farm photo sent to me by reader "h.e.t." It is a threshing scene from his family's farm located at Portage Creek, Manitoba, Canada from the year 1914. Note the size of the threshing belt! I count 17 humans, eight wagons, and 16 horses being used that day. There is also a steam tractor in the photo.
If any other readers would like to submit to me their old farm photos (bigpictureagriculture -at- gmail -dot- com), I'd love to use them, too!
Thank you h.e.t.!——K.M.

(2 photos combined)

(Left half)

(Right half)
To see a full size version of the photo, go here.
If any other readers would like to submit to me their old farm photos (bigpictureagriculture -at- gmail -dot- com), I'd love to use them, too!
Thank you h.e.t.!——K.M.

(2 photos combined)

(Left half)

(Right half)
To see a full size version of the photo, go here.