“Biofuels are like cholesterol. There’s good and bad cholesterol.”
---Brazil’s former President Lula
---Brazil’s former President Lula
These recent tweets, below, by Renewable Fuel Association's CEO and ethanol lobbyist, Bob Dinneen, caught my attention. I think you'll agree with me that they are quite interesting in a voyeuristic way in which one watches someone present a very biased "rah-rah" side of a tainted story.
Dinneen is in Brazil right now at UNICA's Ethanol Summit. UNICA is Brazil's sugarcane industry association. Below, I've started with his tweets from May 10th, when he was in Seville, Spain for World Biofuels 2011 and ended with his latest tweet from Sao Paulo. This guy gets around, spreading his message that the U.S. has the cheapest ethanol available to the world due to our nation's supportive policy.
It appears that Bob is absolutely beside himself over the fact that expensive sugar, rising demand, and a low US dollar has led to Brazil becoming a large importer of U.S. ethanol. Their ethanol fueling stations and flex-fuel light vehicle fleet, already set up, seem to have him drooling.
Brazil imported nearly 23 million gallons of U.S. ethanol in 2010, up from .3 million gallons in 2009. It is expected that Brazil will double its ethanol imports from the U.S. this year, with an expected 40-50 million gallons total. Most imports will occur in March and April, until Brazil's April sugarcane harvest is completed. Brazil has been the world's largest ethanol exporter, while the U.S. has been the second largest.
K. McDonald

In Seville for World Biofuels 2011. Gasoline is $1.25/lt. That's roughly $5/gal. Even w/ higher tax, that's not much more than US. Low US $!
At World Biofuels 2011 Conf in Seville. FO Lichts notes US is now worlds low cost producer and export leader. Currency values dictate trade.
At World Biofuels 2011 - FO Lichts sees little chance of sugar price falling below 20 cents/lb, making BZ ethanol even less attractive.
Sugar ethanol prices from Brazil have increased 350 pct over past year. US ethanol now worlds lowest cost and will continue so.
Speaking at World Biofuels 2011 in Seville. Explained that growing US ethanol exports NOT eligible for the tax incentive!
At World Biofuels Conference, debating with EPURE's Vierhut about E90 imports to EU. He agreed EU needs to change their tariff structure.
Speaking at World Biofuels Conference, translator asked me to slow down! I can't! I get passionate about ethanol. Sorry translator!
At World Biofuels 2011 in Seville - talking with reporters that don't understand US ethanol provides BOTH fuel AND feed. No impact on food!
#WorldBiofuels is held in Seville in a beautiful Chapel at Focus Abengoa. Listening to an organ concert to close the day. Very serene.
Participating in CFTC Ag Advisory Cmte meeting. Lots of concern about increased volatility in corn futures contracts. Too much speculation?
So TPaw says ethanol doesn't need tax breaks. Ok, did anyone ask him about oil tax breaks? How about a level playing field?
It's hardly political courage to trash ethanol incentives - the industry supports reform ... will someone call for an end to oil subsidies?
Kudos to the CFTC for finally going after speculators in the oil market. They drove the world's economy into the tank in '08.
At press event w/ Rep Shimkus talking about the Open Fuel Standard. Yay, let's empower consumers to reduce oil use!
At Brazilian Consulate for the 3rd time this week to pick up visa for my trip Brazil next week. I need some sugar ethanol for this nonsense!
@fuelinggood I'm heading to Brazil - they have E-85 everywhere. No app necessary. We need more ethanol here!
On plane for Miami and then on to Sao Paulo, Brazil. US exporting ethanol to Brazil these days. I look forward to driving US ethanol there!
Arrived Sao Paulo! Heading to UNICA's Ethanol Summit. Looking forward to debating trade policies now that US is exporting to Brazil.
W/ 22 mil people, the traffic in Sao Paulo is legendary. Going on 90 minutes for the 10 miles from the airport. But all cars use ethanol!
At UNICA Ethanol Summit - BP's Phil New says biofuels will be 40 pct of liquid fuel supply growth by 2020. Ethanol here to stay!
At UNICA's Ethanol Summit - 4 oil co's seem more interested in biochemicals from sugar than biofuels, particularly when it comes to ethanol.
At Ethanol Summit, Vinod Kosla challenges oil co's to invest in biofuels and biochemicals as boldly as they do for oil and gas. Applause!
At UNICA's Ethanol Summit - more than 2000 here - good event. Telling that more talk about biochemicals than ethanol though! Hmmm
At UNICA's Ethanol Summit - funny to hear producer after producer note that the Brazilian sugar ethanol industry needs tax breaks! What?
In Sao Paulo - ethanol here about $1.7 Reals per liter. If my math is right, that's about $4.02 per gallon. US ethanol much cheaper today.
2nd day of UNICA's Ethanol Summit in Sao Paulo set to begin. Today I get to debate trade policy with the Brazilians. Should be fun!
Participating on panel discussing trade issues at UNICA's Ethanol Summit. Trade works between US and Brazil. We import/we export. Now export
Parallel universe at UNICA's Ethanol Summit - Brazil opposes US tax incentive for ethanol here, but defend lower...
Heading home. Seems like I just got to Brazil. Interesting event. Brazilian ethanol industry hurting - looking to govt for clear direction.
UPDATE: Brazil to Subsidize its Ethanol Sector
For more information about Brazil's ethanol production and usage, I recommend this Wikipedia page.