- A young family near Lincoln, Nebraska becomes successful at organic farming. (includes video) [Lincoln Journal Star]
- A Virginia Livestock Exchange, built in 1963, burns down. Will it be rebuilt? [Washington-Post]
- Finance blogger and hobby farmer Kid Dynamite helps slaughter a neighbor's cow complete with photos and video. [Kid Dynamite's World]
- Brazil's grain harvest is expected to be up eleven percent. [Bloomberg]
- Supermarket food prices fell in the third quarter. [Cattlenetwork]
- Costco is there to help those planning for the end of the world as we know it. [My Northwest]
- There were few takers on California's offer to hire American workers to do farm labor. [market to market]
- If the U.S. wastes 27% of its food, that represents 350 million barrels of oil per year, or two percent of U.S. energy consumption. [Environmental Science & Technology]
- The rice harvest in the U.S., the world’s fourth-largest exporter last year, may be at least 10 percent smaller than estimated, missing a forecast record output and pushing prices 30 percent higher. [Bloomberg]
- A Fed attempt to reflate may cause stagflation, hitting the consumer instead, as evidenced by the recent commodity price run-up. [WSJ]
- Outsourcing our nations jobs is alive and well. [LA Times]
- A higher protein potato has been genetically engineered. [ars technica]
- Farmers in upstate New York are having a tough time due to higher input costs. [abc local]