I've put together a few videos about the bicycle trails system throughout Boulder and also some information about the Google Trike, which filmed the trails in Boulder earlier this month. All of it is quite remarkable, IMO, and well worth watching.
1. The Boulder Bike story
"This is the story of how any town can become bike friendly."
This is a beautifully done 12 minute VIMEO video which tells the history of how Boulder prioritized bike trails throughout the city. This is truly an amazing story which is a tribute to some very deserving community members and planners who made this happen because of their foresight many years ago. Now, it is one of this town's biggest assets. I for one, am extremely grateful and identify with the bike store interview where the lady said how upset people are if they have to drive and cannot bike to whatever event that requires a car.
2. National Trails Day on Heil Ranch near Boulder
This is a 5 minute video which shows how a mountain bike trail was built and improved by volunteers who are motivated enthusiasts willing to work to achieve a rewarding goal.
3. Google Trike films Boulder Creek Bike Trail April 2010
Related Daily Camera Article:
Google Street View trike hits Boulder's bike paths
4. Introducing the street view trike (38 seconds):
Other short, interesting related videos of the trike taping special sites:
Château de Versailles dans Google Street View
Street View Trike at Stonehenge
Le tricycle Google Street View au Mont Saint Michel