Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Canadian Citizens Aim for a National Food Policy

"Canada has never had a coordinated and explicit food policy, let alone one designed for the public good. The resulting patchwork of government policies that determine our de-facto food governance does not adequately prioritize the needs and wishes of the majority."


Somehow, those Canucks overtop of us seem to be on average, more "aware" than we sheeple here in the U.S. The latest is that they have come out with a grassroots proposal for a national food policy.

You see, 3,500 Canadians who cared, discussed food over 250 kitchen table talks spanning a two year time period. The resulting paper, "Resetting the Table, A People's Food Policy for Canada" boils down to promoting food security in Canada while trying to make food production fair, healthy and ecological.

After concluding that Canada is currently a food insecure nation due to wrong policy, these people set out to suggest how to remedy that and gain food sovereignty. The hope is that this 32-page document will have an influence in the next political elections.

Next, are some of their proposed solutions:
  • Get more people involved in farming instead of the current less than 2%.
  • The people must have a say in how their food is produced and where it comes from.
  • Return to smaller sized farms and get away from monoculture crops.
  • Regain infrastructure required to eat local.
  • Get the consumer to support local food production.
  • Have reasonable regulations that would allow small scale processors to function.
  • Relearn how to produce food with fewer chemical inputs.
  • Promote biodiversity and sustainable farming methods.
  • Bring back healthy eating.
  • Protect farmland from urban/industrial development.
  • Restrict foreign ownership of farmland.
  • Have policy support the real farmer and citizen instead of agribusiness.

Think we could borrow that, eh?
K. McDonald

To view the document, go here.